Marriage Certificate in Arya Samaj
Arya Samaj Mandir in Noida Call-09999423333, Do we also get marriage certificate once we get marriaed in Arya Samaj Mandir in Delhi!
Sure, After marriage ceremony, you will be provided Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate by our Arya Samaj Mandir administration. We are a Legal Entity to issue Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate. And, If you wish, on the basis of arya samaj marriage certificate, we issue, our lawyer register your marriage in court and thereafter, you will get a certificate from court too, thus your marriage will be registered court marriage.
What is the advantage of Marriage Certificate!
» Marriage Certificate is valuable evidence of your marriage. » Marriage Certificate provids social security, self-confidence particularly among married women. » Marriage Certificate is useful in getting the Visa, Bank Account Opening etc. » Marriage Certificate is helpful in claiming the Bank deposits or Life Insurance benefits etc.
Arya Samaj Mandir in Noida Call-09999423333,