Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage In Derawal Nagar
Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage In Derawal Nagar,
We have all records and documents of marriages that is Our consultancy has the reputable record of handling thousands of Arya Samaj marriages, making it one of the prominent places in Derawal Nagar and adjoining areas for this purpose. With continued adherence to the essential tenets of the Arya Samaj Wedding and abiding by the law of the land, we carry out the whole procedure with traditional Vedic rituals. Our consultancy upholds the tradition of simplicity of procedures and non-extravagance which is commonly associated with these marriages. Whether it is the love marriage, arranged marriage or the inter-caste and inter-religion marriages, we serve you with the best of our services to help you bond with your beloved for a life-time.
Best Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage In Derawal Nagar
For marriages solemnizing in the Arya Samaj Temple, the age of the boy must be above 21 years and the age of the girl must be above 18 years. After completion of all these formalities, your marriage will be solemnized by our Panditji, at our Arya Samaj Temple according to Arya Samaj and Hindu rituals reciting verses from the Vedas. After solemnizing marriage, Legal Marriage Certificate is issued by our Arya Samaj Temple, immediately to the couple which is legally valid all over India. Based on the Legal Marriage Certificate, issued by our Arya Samaj Temple, you can get your Marriage registered in the Office of Marriage Registrar. Thus the procedure of solemnizing a marriage in the Arya Samaj Temple is completed.
The procedure of shadi in temple according to Vedic ritual is very simple..Our temple perfume love wedding and arrange, by arya samaj rule and rituals with vedic mantras. The wedding procedure takes about 1:30 to 2 hours to solemnize it and after performed. Mandir provide a legal marriage certificate just after marriage.
Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage In Derawal Nagar.