Welcome To Arya Samaj Mandir In Patparganj
Arya Samaj Mandir In Patparganj , You may come to Arya Samaj Mandir in person or book the premises on the phone itself. While booking the premises on the phone all you have to do is to let us know your name, date of performing the proposed marriage, Time, Address and contact number. We do not have any holiday at our Arya Samaj Mandir instead all seven days marriages are solemnized.
You are welcome to get your arya samaj marriage performed on Sundays and festival holidays as well. Please note that we perform the marriages during the day and they are not performed in the night hours.
When you have fixed your marriage date and are coming for the arya samaj marriage to be solemnized you need to bring with you the following: Age Proof Certificate Residence Proof 4 photos of each partner 2 Witnesses with voter id card If you have completed all your documentary formalities you may come for marriage the same day.
An Act to recognise and remove doubts as to the validity of inter-marriage current among Arya Samajists.Whereas it is expedient to recognise and place beyond doubt the validity of inter-marriages of a class of Hindus know as Arya Samajists; it is hereby enacted as follows:Substituted by the Adaptation of lows Order, 1956 for the words part B State these part B states were Hyderabad J&K Mysore pepsu, Rajastha, Saurashtra and T.C.
Arya Samaj Mandir In Patparganj.